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4 Secret Tactics to generate leads in LinkedIn

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Why LinkedIn?


In the world of B2B lead generation, nothing comes close to LinkedIn.


In 2020, there are 9 billion content impressions in the LinkedIn feed every week with 706mil+ people on the platform.


A staggering 80% of B2B leads sourced and 46% of corporate website visits come from LinkedIn.



Image Source from: kinsta.com (www.shorturl.at/fP057)



It is apparent that there is no better platform than LinkedIn if you are in the B2B market and is looking for your highest value and most profitable deals. If you’re not using it as a primary lead and customer acquisition channel..


You need to ACT RIGHT NOW.


Since the crowd is going after TikTok, Facebook, AdWords, Instagram buzz, you should take this golden opportunity to rapidly grow and scale your company and sales using LinkedIn. Solidify your position NOW and dominate your market before everyone else finds out about the goldmine sitting right in front of them.


If you want to know the best way to use LinkedIn to grow your business and generate more leads / appointments and sales with the platform, let’s jump into that right now.


In this guide we’ll be covering 4 LinkedIn Secret tactics that we used to get massive results for our clients.


  • Tactic #1- Discover the Right Customer (Identify your ideal customer profile in details)
  • Tactic #2- Profile Makeover (Turn your profile into a high converting landing page)
  • Tactic #3- Constantly connect with your Ideal Customers (Connecting with all your ideal customers by sending them warm and genuine invitation to form this new relationship)
  • Tactic #4- Smart Approach (Design a framework of conversation and establish yourself as a trusted advisor)



Who This Works For


This guide will help any high-ticket B2B product or service company who needs more quality leads (and has a product/service that doesn’t suck), but here are some industries we’ve seen incredible results with for ourselves and clients:


  • Marketing / Digital Agencies
  • B2B SaaS
  • IT /Consultants / Coaches / Training Companies
  • HR / Recruiting / Staffing
  • Guest Speaking (Events / Podcasts / Videos / Interviews)
  • Strategic Partnerships




#1 Secret Tactic- Discover your RIGHT Customer


Let’s start with one of the most powerful LinkedIn tools, Sales Navigator. It allows you to reach any decision maker of any company that you want to reach out to. Start right and describe your Ideal Customer Profile clearly by drilling down to more specific details, the deeper the better ( e.g Industry type, Geography, Size of annual revenue, number of employees, Budget allocation and so on)


Interview your most successful customers with sample questions below:

  1. How much research do they do before committing to a purchase?
  2. Do they rely on referrals to find solutions?
  3. How did they hear about your company?
  4. Who makes the purchasing decision?
  5. Do they require approval by a committee?
  6. Why did they decide to purchase your solution in the first place?
  7. Why do they continue to use your solution?
  • Identify Ideal Customer Characteristics
  • Refer the sample template below to Complete Your ICP





#2 Secret Tactic- Profile Makeover


Stop treating your LinkedIn profile page like a resume. It is the prime digital estate that helps you generate flow of leads organically. There are 3 main areas that you can start optimizing now and turn it into killer landing page.


1. Profile Photo

  1. Headline
  2. About


  • Your profile picture is the key element of your LinkedIn presence. Just having a picture makes your profile 14 times more likely to be viewed by others.
  • Be the only person in the picture and make sure your face takes up at least 60% of the frame. You do not want others to guess which person is you.
  • Make sure you smile as there is one study of 800 profile pictures found that people view you as more likeable, competent, and influential if you smile in your pic.
  • Optional: Try uploading 1-3 pictures to photofeeler to get some feedbacks and choose the best rating.
  • Bad headlines example- “CEO/Founder of Best Company Ever | Top 500 Fast Growing Company | Innovator | Influencer”, or Founder of … , President of… , VP of… )
  • Utilize the headlines to tell your prospects what solution you are offering to solve their pains (example- I help/Helping/Teaching [target market/industry] to [value/solution you provide] by/using/through [how you do it]”)
  • About descriptions should be revolving around your solution to your target segment so that they know you understand their pains and how your solution can actually help them. (This information should be gathered when you are drilling down your Ideal Customer Profile details)
  • Of course, you should also provide customer video testimonials to let the world know you have loads of happy customers and persuade them to be the next one!



#3 Secret Tactic- Constantly Connect Your Ideal Customers


Once you have identified your Ideal customers in Tactic #1 and your profile has been updated with Tactic #2, now is the time for Tactic #3- connect to all your ideal customers by sending them warm and genuine invitation to form this new relationship.


  • Constant is the keyword here as you need to aim to send out 50-70 connection daily requests so that you will be able to get some positive reply sooner.
  • Start with 30-40 connection requests for the 1st 5 days then slowly scale up to 50-70 else it will be overwhelming to you for a start.
  • Approximate 50%-70% of your new connections will be checking your killer profile
  • On average, 25%- 30% will be accepting your connection requests and that would be about 400-700 new connections in a month. The key here is that all of them are your IDEAL PROSPECT.



#4 Secret Tactic- Smart Approach


By now, you will have a large group of new connections.


  • Define a framework of conversation flow that works well with you and your new connections
  • Start genuine conversation with everyone of them and use the conversation to understand their business more
  • Share with them ideas and values that can improve their business
  • Once you have established yourself as a trusted advisor, they will be open to understand your solution more.
  • If they are interested to know more, schedule a meeting with them and close the deal.



Key Success of Secret Tactics


  • Identify your Ideal Customer Profile to the core so that you can laser focus on the high value customers
  • Professionally craft your profile page into a killer landing page and engaging copywriting to entice your potential customers.
  • Consistently reaching out and connecting to a monthly 1,500+ new connections so that your network of ideal customers will keep growing larger
  • Never sound like you are desperate for sales appointment and prioritize genuine relationship building instead of selling your solution.
  • Always test with different messages so that you will know what works the best to your targeted market.



What if ?


  • Now, what if i told you there is a dedicated expert executing all the secret tactics on behalf of you and constantly optimizing messaging/ growing your valuable networks and generating pre-qualified appointments? For a fraction of the cost of an entry-level employee.


  • By having that, you will have a sales funnel flooded with pre-qualified leads awaiting you to handle all the opportunities


Lucky for you … we have a Done-For-You package that helps you build, launch, and generate leads for your company asap.


If you’d like help with this, click the button below to fill out a short survey and book a call with me to see if we’re a fit.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row content_width=”grid” css=”.vc_custom_1600845918639{margin-bottom: 100px !important;}”][vc_column]

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